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Why Security Experts Must Connect Cybersecurity to Business Outcomes

Are You Asking The Right Questions When It Comes To Your Business’ Security?

Contrary to popular opinion, cybersecurity is a business issue and not just a technical concern. It is an issue that has been on board agendas for some time now. However, the coronavirus pandemic has demonstrated how big of an issue it is. It has brought to light the existing disconnect between organizations’ capabilities and what executives understand. While most executives are focused on compliance and keeping hackers away, they have been missing out on simple yet critical issues, such as promoting secure remote access. They have been missing out on opportunities that could have significant effects on their businesses.

Executives and board members in Kingston, ON must address the issue of cybersecurity strategically and in a business context. With the right cybersecurity technology, your business can prevent most security attacks, mitigate cybersecurity risks, detect vulnerabilities, and promote the security of your business initiatives such as digital transformations.

It is time for executives to adopt approaches that work. The right approaches should embrace a complete outlook of the security architecture. While technology is excellent for surfacing new business opportunities, it should also be used in improving the security of a business. It is now impossible to succeed without speed, technology, and agility.

Some of the most important questions for business executives to ask include:

  • Do you have the right security measures in place to handle threats that haven’t impacted your business yet?
  • How do you quantify risks?
  • What is the company doing to minimize the points of compromise and attack surfaces?
  • Have you embedded your security team into the business and technology units?
  • What would be the financial impact of an hour’s downtime in the event of a hack?
  • What is your company’s optimal approach to adopting new cybersecurity threats?
  • Which of your business products and services are of the biggest concern in the case of cybersecurity issues? What are you doing to protect them?
  • Does the existing security technology fully protect your company against potential issues with cloud service providers?

Asking questions is essential, but executives must learn to ask questions that matter. The right questions should reflect on the level of protection in your organization. While questions about compliance are important, they may not be the most important ones.

Creating Business Context Around Cybersecurity

Once you have identified your Eastern Ontario business context, you can create it around cybersecurity. In every organization, there are components such as desired outcomes, costs and budget, revenue sources, customers, and supporting business processes. Each one of them presents major technology dependencies. It is impossible to determine the use of technology in an organization without understanding its processes and outcomes.

With the business context in mind, you can focus on creating an approach to cybersecurity that focuses on results. In an outcome-driven approach, investments and priorities are picked depending on their impact. The approach makes it possible to determine the amount of protection your organization has.

With the approach, executives and non-IT stakeholders can understand cybersecurity issues within a business context. They can adjust investments and priorities to match the business needs.

In the past, cybersecurity issues in Eastern Ontario were left to the technical team. However, things have changed now, and most business executives have come to understand that it is a concern for all members of the team. The disconnect, made clear by the COVID-19 Pandemic, has been an eye-opener for CISOs, CIOs, and IT executives. The main task for many organizations now is to create consistent, reasonable, and adequate controls within a business context.

CLICK HERE or call (613) 634-8125 to contact OnServe’s team of experts to improve your business’ security today.