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Ditch The Target On Your Back At #AMCTO 2019


Municipal agencies are starting to take notice of cyber threats, and make cybersecurity a high priority. While these organizations might have felt relatively safe in the past, the industry is now a target. By getting comfortable in the belief that their agency is too small to be worthwhile, many have made themselves an ideal target for hackers.

Why Do 4 Out Of 10 Companies Still Use Ransomware Friendly Anti-Virus?

If The Marketplace Distrusts and Has Moved Away From Legacy Anti-Virus and Switched To Next-Generation Endpoint Protection To Escape Ransomware Infection, Why Are You Keeping It? All the way back in 2006, the word was getting out that Anti-Virus software must retire and make way for the Cloud, Next-Generation Endpoint Protection. AV served its purpose … Read more

New Distracted Driving Laws for Ontario

Many cities and countries around the world are having problems with distracted driving accidents. During 2016, Great Britain recorded 1,445 fatal crashes where one or more people were killed. One study completed in the town of St. Albans found that one in six drivers were engaged in some type of activity that took their focus … Read more

8 Intruder-Hating Tips For Home Office Security

Your Devices Are A Target For Online Prowlers. At Your Peril Do Not Ignore! Be Aware of Your Surroundings – Takes On a Whole New Meaning When you were a child, your mom or dad reminded you, be aware of your surroundings. They wanted you to avoid getting hurt by a stranger. This sound advice … Read more

Is Your Greatest Asset Also Your Biggest Weakness? Trust Us, It Is.

Your most valuable asset has nothing to do with information or data you store, but rather within your human resources departments – which may also be your greatest weakness. Cybercriminals don’t sleep. Nope. In fact, it’s when we sleep that cybercriminals are the most active! There is a good stretch of time during which they … Read more

Using Yoast SEO to Write Effective Meta Descriptions

The term, “meta description” may seem foreign to some but we all see these descriptions each time we search for something online. The meta description can contain up to 320 characters and should be an interesting summary of what your website is all about. It shows up in the search results as those first few words/lines … Read more

Is Your Backdoor Open? You’ll “WannaCry” When the Hackers Get In

Dangerous cyberattacks have been released by a group of hackers known as The Shadow Brokers. These exploits will lock up your data for good – no ransom, no return. But this isn’t all they do – they’ll also leave behind a parasite that lets them “hang out” inside your computer, infect others, and re-enter through a … Read more